Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Warhammer Underworlds Battle Report: Wild Hunt vs. Profiteers

 Alright, so I'm super behind on this but me and Jeremy were able to get together a few weeks back and play a couple of games. One of the games we got in was Warhammer Underworlds, so I thought I'd be nice and bring you a little battle report.

Full disclosure: I totally forgot to screencap our decklists, so I don't have that info readily available. Sorry, rookie mistake.

So our warbands were Skaeth's Wild Hunt played by yours truly, and Jeremy brought Thundrik's Profiteers. 

The Wild Hunt

The start of turn one

You can see the set up from the above picture. I tried to keep my guys near objectives in case I drew cards to let me score them (although the website we used for deck building didn't have either of us put in the simple "score objective X" cards), but also trying to play to my speed. Knowing how many ranged attacks Jeremy had made me a little cautious, but I was determined to get Althean up there to start shooting.

There was lots of positioning in turn one, mostly with Jeremy trying to keep up with whatever I was doing. I needed to hold three objectives to score one of my objective cards, so I had to be very aggressive from the word go to try and score it.

Karthean makes a bold move to smack some Dwarfs

I also had aKurnoth's Snare that I could score if I could push an enemy model into a lethal hex, so I rushed Karthean up into the fray pretty fast to try and score that. Sadly my dice rolls were having none of it, despite my best attempts to stack them in my favor.

At the end of turn one I managed to score a couple of glory points, while Jeremy I think got one. So we weren't off to a super fast start, but now I had models up in the thick of it with some Dwarfs looking for blood. Althean ended up getting blasted before the turn was done, which was not something I was excited about since she was the only model I had that could compete with the range of the Dwarfs. 

The end of the first turn

Skaeth got himself some upgrades.

Turn two saw a lot of me trying to get a push to score that one objective card, while also trying to figure out what I was going to do with the others in my hand. I kept Karthean and Lighaen on the offensive, trying to keep Jeremy from being able to swing around and advance to my side.

For the most part things went well, although through a serious of worthless dice rolls neither of us really accomplished too much. We did, however, decide to be smart-asses and both played Mischevious Spirits and moved the objective hexes around a bunch because why not?

This is what two Mischievous Spirits gets you, I guess.

Turn three saw more action as Skaeth finally got in on the action, but only after both Karthean and Mr. Whiskers took a bit more abuse and tried their damnedest to push Enrik into that lethal hex and failing miserably. Skaeth charged up, chucked his javelin and managed to do the job right by not only pushing Enrik into the hex but also killing him in the process. In doing so I managed to score two of my objective cards, including finally scoring Kurnoth's Snare! It's a bloody miracle!

Skaeth steps up to show the boys how its done

Going into the last turn Jeremy needs to pull off a combo to take the lead from me, and he tries so hard but only partially succeeds. Thundrik uses his ability to create a bunch of lethal hexes which ends up sort of locking down Karthean and Mr. Bigglesworth, and my dice rolls were simply not in any way doing me the good to deal damage to him. Skaeth couldn't reach him, so I opted to charge Dead-Eye Lund with Sheoch in a hope to hit hi hard. I realized I should have charged him up sooner to inspire him early, getting that vital extra die, but alas nothing comes of it. Thankfully Dead-Eye ends up failing to live up to his namesake and manages to fail to blow Sheoch away.


Jeremy makes a couple of last moves, moving Thundrik onto a lethal hex to try and score one of his objectives. Ultimately turn four ends with no further bloodshed, and the game ends with a 5-4 win for the Wild Hunt. 


Overall it was a fun game, even with the frustration of my dice rolling being just awful. Seriously, I know dice can be finnicky, but the absurd number of supports I rolled instead of hits when I needed them was killing me a little. It was still fairly close, and had Jeremy been able to pull of the combo he was going for he would have taken the game. Going into turn four neither of us had great objective cards to work with, so I mostly had to try and keep Jeremy from doing what he hoped to do. 

I hope you've enjoyed this little battle report. I plan to do more in the future, and I'll make sure I have our decks available for all to see (and try to be more on top of actually posting).

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